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2006 – 03/29/2019

“How do I describe Charlie? He was one of six puppies and was the runt of the litter but yet he grew to be a 22 pound purebred Shih Tzu! He had a very large hernia when he was a puppy and the veterinarian said that’s the largest hernia he had seen on a Shih Tzu puppy. We were afraid it was going to give him problems but it did not. Charlie loved to sit next to me and wrap his front leg around my leg. He loved to watch Dora the Explorer on TV. He chased squirrels and birds and cats out of the yard. He loved doing tricks for his treats. His favorite was popcorn and carrots. My nickname for Charlie was Big Boy and Doofus. Charlie used to stand by me in the kitchen when I was cooking in hopes that his momma would drop something on the floor either by accident or on purpose. He loved to go on walks and when we got to the end of my driveway, I would unhook his leash and tell him to run home and he would run up the driveway and wait for me at the backyard gate.”

RIP Big Boy Chuckster!
Love, Momma

“Charlie will always be remembered as a fun loving boy. Thank you for letting the West Ridge family get to know him.” – Kris Tajchman